Monday, September 24, 2012

The Sun and the Skies

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Our first ever weekend! To Venice Beach!

Kevin and me actually planned to walk along the beach to Venice Beach, not realizing it took forever.

Upon realization of the task at hand, we decided to rent bicycles. It turned out to be the best thing we could have ever done.

Riding along the beach was very fun and relaxing. Not to mention the fact that we reached Venice in only 10 minutes from the Bike Rental Shop (which was halfway from Venice beach).

From afar, we saw a pier at the end. We decided to go there first and check it out. The place was awesome aside from the massive amounts of bird poo lying around on the deck.

Went to Venice next and just walked our bikes along the stretch.  Saw a bit of a street performance. There were a lot of weird people though.  

We walked back towards the end and rode off back to the Bike Rental Shop. Somehow though we missed Muscle Beach totally. 
We might go again someday just so we could ride bicycles and just relax.

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