Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Download Woes

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Today me and Kevin discussed on the level further and settled on one idea.... for now. The map will of course be up for any further revisions when the project goes into full swing.

Yesterday when i was testing out some concepts for Houdini, i got stuck on a problem late on.
I wanted to create a row of metal platings spawn and when i change any direction of the line, the platings will also follow and change direction.

Today i came across a tutorial on how to make a procedural fence. I saw that the theory could be used for my idea too.
So i downloaded the files. It took forever to download and somehow it keeps on stopping halfway as if it is finished downloading.

The only way the downloads could run smoothly was if i did nothing else while the files download. (This happened a few times before so i knew that i had to do nothing for the download to happen.)

Yeah..... so for about an hour and half or so, i waited.
When it was done, i wrote the blogs, organized my stuff and went back to the apartment.

I can definitely check out the tutorial and hopefully it can help solve my problem.

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