Thursday, September 20, 2012

It begins....

Me and Kevin arrived in LAX at around 1pm, 17 September 2012.
The flight was very tiring and uncomfortable. It was my first ever long distance flight and it wasn't a pleasant experience.

No more complaining. Well, at least we arrived safely and i am very happy and appreciative of that.

We got to the apartment and settled down. Unpacked a bit and went out for lunch with our lecturer, Lex.

After lunch, we walked around the promenade and had a look around our area.

The promenade

We also went to the mall and had a look.

We finished by going to the nearby supermarket around our apartment area and buying some stuff for the apartment.

We got back in the evening and went settled more stuff.

Then we went to sleep.

End of day 1......

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