Thursday, December 6, 2012

....It Ends

Thursday, 6 December 2012

It is time to leave LA. It is 7 am right now and i am ready for the grueling flight to Singapore.

It has been amazing.

This was my first time living away from my family and friends for such a long time.
Furthermore it was in a whole new continent far away.

This attachment has made me grow as a person and an artist.
I find myself feeling more grateful of my position and more confident as a person.

The experience of living independently is an eye opening one.
I cannot emphasize how lucky i am, to be able to experience this.

It wasn't easy. At times it was very frustrating working on the project. In the end though, we prevailed and i am happy with the result, even if it was not what i expected it to be.

I will miss this place and mostly, the people i have met.
The interns, my supervisor and the people in the office have been so welcoming and helpful. They also gave me never ending support throughout the 3 months.

I am grateful to have met and got to know these great people.

This would not be possible without the help of my lecturers back home, Ms Eda, Mr. lex (who is with us in LA) and Mr. Michael in particular. 

They worked hard to get support for me and i am very grateful for that. Also i thank the MDA for allowing me to come here.

With that in mind it is time to wrap this adventure and chapter of my life up.

I leave LA with only the happy memories in mind.

That is all.

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