Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Tour of Blizzard Entertainment

Friday, 30 November 2012

It was a rainy friday morning as me, Lex, Kevin and John rode off to Irvine California to visit Blizzard Entertainment.

We were all excited at the opportunity to visit one of the biggest game companies in the world. Not even the rain could dampen our excitement.

Oh and in case you have been living under a rock and you do not know blizzard then here's a link to their website.

So it took about an hour to reach Irvine and find Blizzard.
When we did reach, we met up with our tour guide, Dominic Quek. He is Lex's friend and has been working for Blizzard for more than 5 years.

We started off checking out the museum where they showcase their works.

Then we got a general tour of the whole place before going to Dominic's workplace which is the Cinematics side. We did not get to see much as they are very tight-lipped. I did get to see how their workplace feels like and it looked really nice.

Here are some pictures.

All in all, it was definitely inspiring to able to see how a big company works and looks like.

Maybe one day, i can work in a company like Blizzard.

That is all.

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