Thursday, December 6, 2012

....It Ends

Thursday, 6 December 2012

It is time to leave LA. It is 7 am right now and i am ready for the grueling flight to Singapore.

It has been amazing.

This was my first time living away from my family and friends for such a long time.
Furthermore it was in a whole new continent far away.

This attachment has made me grow as a person and an artist.
I find myself feeling more grateful of my position and more confident as a person.

The experience of living independently is an eye opening one.
I cannot emphasize how lucky i am, to be able to experience this.

It wasn't easy. At times it was very frustrating working on the project. In the end though, we prevailed and i am happy with the result, even if it was not what i expected it to be.

I will miss this place and mostly, the people i have met.
The interns, my supervisor and the people in the office have been so welcoming and helpful. They also gave me never ending support throughout the 3 months.

I am grateful to have met and got to know these great people.

This would not be possible without the help of my lecturers back home, Ms Eda, Mr. lex (who is with us in LA) and Mr. Michael in particular. 

They worked hard to get support for me and i am very grateful for that. Also i thank the MDA for allowing me to come here.

With that in mind it is time to wrap this adventure and chapter of my life up.

I leave LA with only the happy memories in mind.

That is all.


Wednesday, 5 December 2012

We just had our final presentation yesterday. It went fine and i am relieved we managed to finish the project.

It was a bit rushed but at least the project turned out decent.

I am now going to show the final result. Then i will pick up where i left off from the last "Creating Hyperion" post.

I will explain the UV and Exporting parts.

Firstly, the base of the terrain will be used.

Then i group up the inside of the base of the terrain. This is where the smooth will be applied.

It is then smoothed and UVs are projected.

The UVs are then projected onto the terrain. 
This is the first step for the UV generation. 
This first step is to give overall decent UVs to the whole terrain.

The next step is to unwrap all the extrusions and transfer those UVs onto the main terrain.

Unwrapped extrusion

Transfered UVs
Then i have to unwrap all of the other extrusions and transfer their UVs onto the terrain.

Kevin has also added in additional rocks that add elevation and depth.

Now that the big rocks are added, the hidden faces behind the rocks need to be deleted.

To do so, Kevin simply grouped up the part of the terrain that is hidden and deletes them. How he groups them is as follows.

The rocks are used as the bounding objects that selects the areas in the terrain that are hidden.

Then delete those selected.

Once the whole terrain is finished, i export it to Unity. Before that though, i have to spilt the model up into 4 parts. 

This is because the model by itself has too many vertices for Unity to handle. 

So i used the Break SOP to make it possible.

What the break SOP does is that, it will create a division on the model. I used grids as the "cutter".

Before break SOP
Once the break SOP is applied, the geometry now has a clean line created across it.

Next i have to use a Connectivity node to group up the sections.
Then i delete each part to get individual pieces to export.

The result.
Below is the delete parameter and how i got a part of the terrain.

I used the $CLASS expression and made it equal to 0,1,2 and 3.
Each number is a group that is related to a part of the terrain.

Now that is done, the Exporting begins. The texturing and lighting is applied in the game engine itself.

Also to export all the assets like trees and grass, we used a script created by John Courte. He is a senior Houdini Artist in Side Effects.

What the script does is it exports XML files from Houdini. This XML file tells Unity where what objects to place.

The final result.

That is it. Hyperion is done. Finished. Complete. 
.......Sort of

There are still a lot of improvements that have to be made. Firstly, I want to improve the UVs.

There is some really bad stretching and some of the seams can be seen in the open.

Secondly, The techniques used have to improved and must be more streamlined and less cluttered. 
Right now the node structure is very messy and confusing. If i were to pass the file to someone else, they will have no idea what to do.

In the future i want to create more levels using this workflow and techniques. I want to create better levels and really push the workflow to the limit.

With that, that is all.

I can finally sleep.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Monday, 3 December 2012

Tomorrow is our presentation but having already bought the tickets to Aerosmith, we had to watch the concert and finish up the last remaining parts of the project at night.

So the concert started at around 7.30, with cheap trick opening for Aerosmith.

Aerosmith did not play until 9 pm.

They were really good live and had a lot of energy. Even when they are already quite old, they still went all out and put in a really good performance.

Had a great time!
That is all.

The MLS Finals (LA Galaxy VS Houston Dynamo)

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Our final presentations are on Tuesday, the 4th of december. We still had time to go watch a football match though.

It was the MLS cup and LA galaxy faced off against Houston Dynamo. This was the first i have ever seen a live football match.

The atmosphere was amazing. The home crowd was rooting for LA all the way, constantly chanting "LA! GALAXY!".

The match itself was really exciting and in the end LA Galaxy pulled off a victory with a second half comeback.

Here are some pictures.

It was really fun and was something i could not experience in Singapore. I had an awesome time amidst all of the stress and work.

That is all.

Tour of Blizzard Entertainment

Friday, 30 November 2012

It was a rainy friday morning as me, Lex, Kevin and John rode off to Irvine California to visit Blizzard Entertainment.

We were all excited at the opportunity to visit one of the biggest game companies in the world. Not even the rain could dampen our excitement.

Oh and in case you have been living under a rock and you do not know blizzard then here's a link to their website.

So it took about an hour to reach Irvine and find Blizzard.
When we did reach, we met up with our tour guide, Dominic Quek. He is Lex's friend and has been working for Blizzard for more than 5 years.

We started off checking out the museum where they showcase their works.

Then we got a general tour of the whole place before going to Dominic's workplace which is the Cinematics side. We did not get to see much as they are very tight-lipped. I did get to see how their workplace feels like and it looked really nice.

Here are some pictures.

All in all, it was definitely inspiring to able to see how a big company works and looks like.

Maybe one day, i can work in a company like Blizzard.

That is all.